Pesquisas Inconformadas

sexta-feira, abril 23, 2010

At the end of the day

U get up early,
ignore the sleep that shuts u'r eyes
and numbs u'r limbs...
U drink a nice nespresso and hope
to drown that little bastrd that keeps singing
"why don't u stay in bed?"
Take a nice shower,
dress up, go to work,
(8 hours later)
U go home tired,
sometimes mentally exausted,
but u'r dog welcomes u,
like u'r the best gift in the world (what low expectations)
and u can't help but smile,
"Ok, let's go 4 a walk!"
U don't know how,
but u'r legs can still take a 20 minute beating,
running and playing with u'r 4 legged mate.
U arrive @home and sit on the sofa,
turn on the TV, or grab u'r laptop,
and enjoy some minutes of rest.
Then u'r life partner arrives,
with u'r kid sleeping on her lap.
U talk softly but she wakens up anyway
and wants some of u'r love.
When u'r arms start to feel heavy
u put her down on the sofa,
u give her the best seat, right beside her mom.
U just need 2 grab a pillow,
put it on the ground next to the sofa
and sit over it
(that does it)
And then, 4 u'r surprise,
she laughs and jumps to u'r lap again,
she looks around and looks @u with those
"where's MY pillow" eyes :c|.
U grab another pillow,
put it next to yours,
and watch as she climbs down onto it
feeling all important.
Then she looks @u and smiles!
Just a simple smile,
nothing fancy,
for some strange reason,
that smile warms u up from head to toe,
and u feel that she's made u'r day.


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